
March 18, 2007, 2:57 pm
Filed under: thethought.

i’m bloody stuck.


i’m stuck on finding ideas for my blog, either on my job search. it’s been like.. a months and more? i hate this kind of situation. seriously. all i do just wake up, eat, sleep and again and again. it cost money, dude. stoopidly, i bought an ipod few weeks ago. okay, i might be tempted a bit.

okay. a lot.

i don’t regret buying it, though. and just today, my sis gave me her CDMA phone so i could use it to access the internet *yay!* using starone. i got two number, one is esia which i’ll be using for good. the starone ones will be for internetting only.

tomorrow is seclusion day. which means red mark on the date. which means, i won’t be attending CCF’s class because of the holiday 😦

speaking of CCF, yesterday (17/3) they had this event called lettera amorosa, which means like sort of love poetry day. CCF teamed up with bunga matahari organization, a club for poem lovers, and they flooded gambir’s station with poems! literally. at thursday, when i attend CCF’s class, i got a tube made out of dried leaves, with a poem inside. it’s a good one. someday i’ll post the poem 🙂


i don’t know what else to write here.

i’m ranting all around already. so yeah.

i’m outta here.

love songs fever.
November 8, 2006, 4:13 pm
Filed under: thethought.

Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I’m alone
Cuz right now it says that we
Can’t come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cuz you walked out the door
But it’s the only way I hear your voice anymore
(it’s ridiculous)
It’s been months
And for some reason I just
(can’t get over us)
And I’m stronger then this
(enough is enough)
No more walkin round
With my head down
I’m so over being blue
Cryin over you

Continue reading

November 6, 2006, 4:24 am
Filed under: thethought.
have you ever felt like bored to death? literally.

entah kenapa, belakangan ini gw sering ngerasa gitu. selain bored to death, jadi brasa kok kayaknya hidup lineaaaaaaaarrr banget. lurus” aja. there’s no challenge in life anymore. seolah” kayaknya hidup itu cuma bersiklus antara bangun-makan-minum-kuliah-tidur. and again : bangun-makan-minum-kuliah-tidur. shucks. mungkin itu juga kali ya penyebab belakangan ini gw jadi agak” cranky. moodswing dengan sangat hebat.

kayak contoh kemaren : pas ada doa rosario di rumah gw for my grandpa and my uncle, padahal cuma 4 orang doang yang ada di rumah gw, tetep aja nyokap mau pake lagu” pembukaan segala. i mean, oh come on, mom! cuma 4 orang dan pake nyanyi”? why not make it simple? bukannya mau kurangajar sih, cuma ya balik” lagi kembali pada pemikiran awal : apa jangan” karena gw terbiasa hidup ‘simple and linear’ jadi sekali ada orang yang mau ribet” gw jadi cranky?

anehnya, kalo sama temen” gw nggak begitu. whenever i’m with my friends, i’m the happy-go-lucky guy, having the best mood at all. but when i got home, it just suddenly drops to the lowest part. i often argued with my family. argh.

and now, entah kenapa di saat gw lagi bengong di perpus (sebenernya sih niatnya ngelanjutin skripsi.. cuma berhubung gw cengo soal UML jadilah gw bengong dan berinternet ria dengan wifi kampus yang harus bayar) malah jadi kepikiran beginian.

aw, crappy post.
