
May 11, 2007, 6:38 am
Filed under: thelife.
demit. sekarang udah tanggal 11. dan sumpah, gw deg”an.

nanti bakal diumumin penempatan dimana. haduh. semoga aja deh nggak dapet cabang yang jauh sekampring”. bisa berurai air mata nanti yayank gw. oh iya, gw udah punya pacar! *hooray* LOL =P

sebenernya sih enak juga di kantor. bisa donlod wira wiri MP3. cuma aja yang bete YM diblok, FS diblok. demit. it’s very very annoying. iya juga sih dipikir” kalo soal takut karyawan bakal nggak konsen maenan YM dan FS mulu. tapi keknya nggak ah. kantor aja deh yang terlalu parno. huhuhu. nasib dah nasib. jadilah tiap hari gw cuma bisa browsing sana sini tanpa tujuan jelas atau donlotin MP3. terutama MP3 pesenan yayank gw yang banyaaaaakkk banget. ngerampok nih yank? hehehe.

sekarang aja gw ngantuuukkk banget di kantor. sambil nungguin donlotan MP3 si yayank. lumayan cepet sih di pusat daripada di cabang. yang pas kmaren gw OJT ke tangerang, aduh, ampun”an deh donlotnya. keburu gw jadi fosil deh. LOL

ya sutralah.. tak donlod dulu. ngejarah benwit kantor =P


back to blog.
January 6, 2007, 8:49 am
Filed under: thelife.
hell yea. as the title said. i’m back! *grins*

been buzzed off from the net, cause the stoopid damn conn isn’t working. and FYI, i’m writing from the bucks (which had the free wifi access, and more : electric plug! yay!)

life’s been hectic and frankly speaking, i’m not a big fan of the hectic thing. but somehow, magically or not, i managed those fast paced hours and err.. well, couldn’t say i had the spare time now, since i supposed to be sitting here FINISHING my thesis instead of blogging and downloading. but hey, who could resist the power of a free wifi, aight? LOL. to tell the truth, i’ve been to bucks for three days in a row now. and i’m dominating the lonespot of the plug in the corner *hooray!* for like.. lets say average of 8 hours? bet sooner there’ll be a snapshot of my face and the warning sign above. LOL

but relax. i’m not that evil. well, at least not yet *grins*. i still ordered something. green tea frappucino. i’m avoiding coffee for some months now, and kinda worked. yet the temptation of coffee is veeerrry huge.

back to the matters of hectic life, it goes along with some boring and unconditional events (yes, i do have boring time instead of a spare time). my job is not getting any better (at least that’s what i think) but i need the money. sometimes i just felt it’s unfair for me to work like a living hell (sometimes the wedding organizer job starts at 3AM and ends in 12AM) but paid less. hate to admit that. yeah it’s fun, encountering with different types of people, but it’s tiring even.

the impact? my thesis. abandoned and now somehow i felt like it’s getting a revenge, these days just literally killing the mood. i had to finish some typos in few hours, and comes another revenge : the other projects. if they’re making an alliance, bet they named it lets-torture-him-it’s-fun.

nuff said anyway. going to read the e-book i just downloaded while waiting for my other download to be finished.


PS. spotted a cute person over the table. LOL. one of the advantage of sitting in bucks for hours. *grins*
 and oh, one of the waitress is cute also. *bigger grin*

cape aje.
November 27, 2006, 5:34 am
Filed under: thelife.

udah semingguan ini badan gw berasa sakit kayak digiling gajah kena tumor. which means, sakit dan lemes ga kira”.

jadi gw gawe, dari tanggal 18 di hyatt jem 3 pagi udah bangun dan pulang pun jem 12 malem. omg. yang tanggal 22 di shangrila, meskipun gawenya dari jem 2 siang, pulangnya tetep jem stengah satu. dan kmaren, gawenya dari jem 3 pagi lagi sampe jem 12 malem di mulia. result? bisa dipastikan lemesnya kayak apa. LOL

dan nanti, tanggal 1 gw akan gawe lagi dari pagi sampe malem lagi di marriot. astaganaga. lagi pada napsu kawin semua ya? LOL.

akibat sampingan selaen hasrat ke panti pijat yang membesar, skripsi gw jadi agak” terlantar. yaa.. ga mungkin dong gw wara wiri sana sini sambil nenteng” lappy. huhuhu. namanya wedding organizer ya bisa dipastikan tak lain tak bukan kerjaannya lari” sana sini.

anehnya, menurut kalkulasi orang normal seharusnya kalo kek gini berat badan nurun, aight?

tapi gw termasuk tidak normal.

i mean, berat badan gw malah naek 5 kilo dari yang seharusnya 70 kilo. gila! kmaren abis mandi di mulia gw iseng nimbang, nyaris shock ngeliat jarum timbangan biadab itu meluncur dengan sadis ke angka 75.

note to self : jangan ngemilin kue” lagi!

ah. ya udin lah. hari ini pun saya bolos kuliah. ga kuat euy. dan sekarang gw mo melanjutkan tidur gw yang brutal ini. hohoho~
